McCabe United Methodist Church
1030 N 6th St
Bismarck, ND 58501
LENTEN STUDY: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts, and Outlaws Throughout the season of Lent we will be turning our attention to Jesus and the ways he interacted with and included those on the margins. Join us for our Lenten Worship Services, participate in one of our Lenten Studies (Wednesdays after worship or Thursdays at 8:30am), […]
Join us for food and fellowship, games and fun in the youth room/gym at McCabe! Everyone welcome, bring a dish to share.
TOPS Real People - Real Weight Loss group meets in the Library (E11) in the lower level of the education wing.
TOPS Real People - Real Weight Loss group meets in the Library (E11) in the lower level of the education wing.
Casual Traditional worship in the Sanctuary.