McCabe United Methodist Foundation

The primary goal of this Foundation is to safely maximize income from McCabe’s investments and provide money annually for the work of the Church.

Since 1994, the McCabe Church Foundation has been dedicated to supporting the mission of McCabe Church. With more than $500,000 awarded in grants, our impact has been truly transformative. The interest and dividend income earned each year is available for distribution to support specific projects and activities, ensuring that our church community continues to thrive and grow.

Independent Distribution of Funds

The McCabe Church Foundation ensures a fair and transparent distribution of funds through the Foundation Funds Committee. This independent committee carefully reviews requests from church groups and individuals before making awards based on merit and need.

Who are the recipients of Foundation grants?

Here are some of the many beneficiaries who have received support from the McCabe Church Foundation:

  • Education Assistance Grants: Awarding more than $200,000 to help students further their education, with a maximum limit of $6,000 per student.
  • Youth Programming: Providing financial assistance to young people who wish to attend church camp and strengthen their faith.
  • Say Yes: Supporting this vital program that empowers our community through service and outreach.
  • Open Door Preschool: Offering resources and assistance to those in need within our congregation and beyond.
  • Building safety and accessibility: Ensuring security and enhancing accessibility to the church through security system installation, well-placed exterior and interior signage, a digital hearing assist system, and a disability accessible restroom.
  • Sound and Video: Enhancing our worship experience through upgraded audiovisual equipment.
  • Computers and Office Equipment: Keeping our church office well-equipped to serve the needs of our congregation.
  • Air Conditioning: Providing comfort for our members and guests during warm weather.
  • Carpeting: Maintaining the appearance and cleanliness of our church interiors.
  • Missions: Supporting both local and global missions that share the love of Christ with others.
  • Choir: Encouraging the growth and development of our music ministry.
  • Solar Oven Partners: Promoting sustainable cooking solutions in underprivileged communities around the world.
  • Thrive Campaign: Investing in the future of our church and its ministries.
  • Leadership Conferences: Empowering our leaders with the tools and knowledge necessary to guide our congregation.
  • Financial Peace University Registrations: Providing access to valuable financial education for our members.

Reasons to Give

At the heart of our church foundation is the desire to make a lasting impact on our community and the world. Your generous giving plays an essential role in supporting the mission and ministries of our church. Here are some compelling reasons to give to the McCabe Church Foundation:

  1. A Gift That Keeps on Giving
    By contributing to the foundation, you provide a gift that continues to give year after year. Your generosity helps ensure the ongoing success of our programs, ministries, and outreach efforts.
  2. Make a Difference
    Your donation enables our church to address pressing issues and bring hope to those in need. Together, we can create positive change in our communities and beyond.
  3. Support Your Local Church and Community
    Your financial support directly benefits our local church and the surrounding community. By giving to the foundation, you help to sustain and grow the various programs and services we offer.
  4. Deepen Your Connection to God
    Generosity is a powerful expression of your faith and commitment to God’s work. By giving, you deepen your relationship with Him and align yourself with His purpose for your life.
  5. Sustained Peace of Mind
    Knowing that you have made a difference in the lives of others brings a sense of fulfillment and peace. Your gift to the foundation contributes to the betterment of our world and the spread of Christ’s love.
  6. A Positive Statement About You
    Your generosity demonstrates your values and priorities. By giving to the church foundation, you make a powerful statement about your faith and your desire to make a difference.
  7. Declare Your Allegiance to Christ’s Cause
    A gift to the foundation is a testament to your commitment to Christ’s mission. Your contribution helps to further His message of love, grace, and salvation for all.
  8. Honor a Loved One
    Donating in memory of a family member or friend is a meaningful way to pay tribute to their life and legacy. Your gift helps to ensure that their memory lives on through the impactful work of our church

Tax Incentives to Giving to the McCabe Church Foundation

Leaving money to the McCabe Church Foundation can provide significant tax benefits for donors. Charitable contributions to qualified organizations like the McCabe Church Foundation can be deducted from your federal and state income taxes, potentially reducing your income, capital gains, and estate taxes. In addition, North Dakota allows a state income tax credit of 40 percent for gifts of at least $5,000 in value up to a maximum credit of $10,000 per person, or $20,000 per married couple.

If you choose to leave your entire estate to charity, then you will pay no estate tax. However, it’s important to note that total charitable contributions can’t exceed 60% of someone’s adjusted gross income for the year. If it does, that person can’t deduct all of their donations for the current tax year.

Donations to a private foundation could allow for an immediate tax deduction—up to 30 percent of adjusted gross income for cash gifts and up to 20 percent of adjusted gross income for long-term appreciated publicly traded assets. Before making any sizable gift, it’s recommended to seek advice from a tax professional as gift tax rules can be complex and can change over time, and individual circumstances must be considered.

Requesting Funds

To request funds for a project at McCabe, contact the office for consideration by the Funds Committee. For special projects, the Board will request additional funds from the McCabe United Methodist Church Foundation.


To learn more about giving to the McCabe United Methodist Church Foundation contact McCabe Church at, call 701-255-1160, or write to:

McCabe Church
c/o McCabe Church Foundation Board
1030 N 6th St
Bismarck, ND 58501

McCabe Church Foundation Board Members

Marshall Pudwill, President
Gary Preszler
Mike Briggs
Tim Dawson
Jack Knoll
Gerry Newborg
Lyall Workman
Annette Willis
Harvey Schilling

Worship Schedule

Join us for each worship service in-person or online via Facebook , Youtube or on our website!  Also now on Roku and AppleTV.

Summer Worship Schedule
Saturdays: 4:30 p.m.
Sundays: 9:30 a.m.
Nursery is available for all services

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